Monday, March 29, 2010

It Looks Like a Dress!

On the weekend I had to try on my Ciel gown to fit the straps to my arms, which meant putting the whole affair on. While it was on I decided to take advantage and get a couple of progress pictures taken. Of course the bad hairstyle and black tank-top must be excused, they won't be there for the finished product, I promise!

So excited. On the weekend I also elongated my ruffle by another two meters or so. As soon as the last couple pieces of ribbon are sewn down it'll be time to gather and attach! Hopefully will do today, but by the end of the week at the latest.
I'm also starting to consider entering this costume into a masquerade this year. A little intimidating to think about it, but after all the work and love I've put into it I think it could stand a chance at winning a costume award!